Thursday, 16 May 2024

Congratulations to Gilbert Kirkwood, the inaugural winner of the Coaches' Dedication Award

Announced at the East District AGM

Gilbert Kirkwood

Tony Dane Coaches Dedication Award

Thanks to your agreement but has been muted for the past couple of years within
the Executive as it is felt this part of our workforce goes unsung but the dedication
that is shown should be celebrated.
The person we are celebrating has been coaching in many guises since the early
80’s. They have coached at many different levels and imparted their vast knowledge
to many different clubs and squad over the years, though still cant fill out a
withdrawal sheet properly!
They have had an active role within the Lothian Region in the past and nothing is too
much trouble.
This person did take a step back, but the smell of chlorine was just too strong to
resist and returned to coaching 8 years ago.
He is a ‘well kent face’ around the pool and never without a smile or a joke and to be
honest would brighten anyone’s day.
We have great pleasure in celebrating and awarding this to Gilbert Kirkwood.

Susan Liddle, East District President

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